Symbols text

Below we tell you what we are looking for in your answers and what evidence we will be taking into account.

In the form there is a question which relates to each symbol
It is important that you provide full answers and as much evidence to back your answers up as possible.
If we cannot link your answers to the medical information you have provided and the evidence you submit we will not be able to confirm a symbol
What the symbols mean.

Below we tell you what we are looking for in your answers and what evidence we will be taking into account.

  • In the form there is a question which relates to each symbol
  • It is important that you provide full answers and as much evidence to back your answers up as possible.
  • If we cannot link your answers to the medical information you have provided and the evidence you submit we will not be able to confirm a symbol


Standing and Queuing

This symbol is awarded to people who find standing and or queuing a substantial barrier to accessing services. This may include individuals who physically cannot stand / queue for any significant amount of time or people that have an issue with understanding the concept of queuing.

Potential evidence

  • Copy of current benefit entitlement
  • Detailed description of difficulties faced
  • Specific detail of medical need in Doctors letter
  • Copies of prescriptions of continence aids

Wheelchair Access

This symbol is for people who require wheelchair accessible facilities. Focus here is given to people who are regular wheelchair users, not necessarily permanent as we can indicate on your card that your need varies.

Potential evidence

  • Copy of current benefit entitlement
    • High rate Mobility of DLA or Enhanced PIP.
  • Detailed description of problems


If you have difficulty moving yourself more than short distances this is the symbol for you. We have no strict deinfition of what distances are involved as it will be for you to discuss this with providers and they will let you know how they might be able to meet your needs.

You will also get this symbol if you are a wheelchair user that is unable to self propel distances. You would not get it if you are powered wheelchair user.

Potential evidence

  • Copy of current benefit entitlement
  • Detailed description of problems

Urgent Toilet Needs

For people with continence issues we have the W.C. Symbol. Providers on board are made aware that this means urgent access to any toilet without question. This might be an accessible toilet, it might not.

If you only need the use of accessible facilities this is covered with the other symbols or the award of an Access Card itself.

Potential evidence

  • Copy of current benefit entitlement
  • Detailed description of problems

Assistance Dogs

If you require the support of an assistance dog then let us know about it in your form

Potential evidence

  • Copy of Assistance Dog ID
  • Copy of current benefit entitlement
  • Detailed description of problems

Essential Companions

This symbol is awarded to people for whom it would be significantly difficult for them to access services without support from another person.

You must be able to show that the support you need is substantial, significant or frequent; directly related to your needs as a disabled person and without it you would receive a lesser service.

It may mean an essential companion ticket or it may mean a provider will offer offer additional support from their own staff.

Potential evidence

  • Copy of current benefit entitlement
  • Letter confirming level of need from appropriate professional
  • Detailed description of support needed from another person

Visual information

For people who find accessing visual information a barrier.

This may include people with visual impairments who require alternative formats / guidance.

It may also include people with Learning Difficulties that have difficulty accessing written information.

Potential evidence

  • Copy of current benefit entitlement
  • Local Authority Blind Register details
  • Detailed description of the difficulty you have accessing visual information

Audible Information

This symbol relates to people have difficulty accessing or processing audible information.

It may be relevant to Deaf people or those with hearing impairments.

It may also be relevant to people who have difficulty with understanding spoken instructions

Potential evidence

  • Copy of current benefit entitlement
  • Detailed description of problems


This category is for everything thing else and providers are encouraged to seek more information directly from you about how they might be able to support specific needs not otherwise identified on the card. For example photo sensitive epilepsy.

This symbol will trigger a provider to ask for specific information from you about how you will access their service.

Potential evidence

  • Copy of current benefit entitlement
  • Detailed description of problems
  • Any other supporting information you feel appropriate